Look at bugs2.2 This is a source that collect all bugs you report and i can reproduce and are fixed now.If you find a bug please add it to the file and send it to me so that i can debug and see the error. Knownlimits: "öäü" after ; drop chars >128 2.27b1 .News 2.27b2: You can insert Instruction Pars in a dialoge.Press CTRL+HELP for this.If the win is open you can click also on the instruction to show the pars in the dialoge.Add Code add the code or modify it if there was code after instruction Better comment display and chars after ;:@ is not draw as a comment Added ped hotkeys: lamiga+a jump to last position where you add chars lamiga+shift+1/2/3 save local bookmark lamiga+1/2/3 jump to local bookmark Tooltype standardeditmode change return key to standard (return split line) backspace on first column do a join line Pressing del on a marked block clear the block and do a displaybeep warning You can use upto 5 FPU registervars do it with regload var1 var2. which increase speed on your Code.fpu load/store convert always single to extend this give you a speed boost on all Systems If vars are changed when they are on register do a regsave. It store all register to memory. strings can cast to longs(char num cannot be greater than typesize) compare work with byte word long and float in newsyntax mode Example: x.l=@"ILBM":if x=@"CMAP" then .....:if a.w=@"ab" Give lot speed instead of using asc(x) Added AB2fdconvert enhanced bb2convert that handle reserved AB2 numbers correct and also scan blitz:userlibs/beta dir for existing libs to get no clashes ; Highlight fix highlight now at first ; \\char add char with hexbyte to a string in newsyntaxmode (optimize 4) You must write always both chars (ex: \\0a for 0xa) print "\\22 Hello \\22" print the text " Hello " If you want print \\ you need write \\\\ 4 backslashs \\R05char repeat char 5 times print "\\R09*Hello" print"********* Hello" Tooltype STARTDIR add.You can choose a default directory now for startup Does now automatic switch to nontoken Mode so you can edit .guide and .txt Files in ped.Try the amiblitz History it have some bookmarks set Note: if you maybe get wrong mode (nothing is impossible) go to preferences and set the tokenmode manuel (no data lost possible) If you totally unhappy with this feature Tooltype no_auto_tokenize can set Ped can now handle editpad/YAM Clipboard data writetype/readtype command add to load/save a complete Type Use only with this compiler Version or you get runtime errors stop commands are ignored in release builds No error no crash now debug of extern programs Type DEBUG as first command in your programm and you can debug it when you have a plugin or start from WB or cli Notes: dont let such a program reach a stop when ped is not run Also the source of this program must be visible in ped or you see no (wrong Source) in reddebug BTW: Ped(AMiblitz) can now debug since this version with reddebug .Fixes 2.27: Fixed end in Macros report Arne Lunde Fixed type\a,1,2,3,4,5 go wrong if start on not word alligned report Arne Lunde Fixed runerrsof sometimes give line 1111 Error report Thilo Köhler Fixed missed if without endif report from Arne Lunde With luck it fixes the 2dstrategie Problem fpu optimizer fix: sa.l = a.l-testfunc{Str$("test")} optimize 1 fix #num-1 sometimes work wrong does put fpu regs illegal to stack (because AB2 think ustr$ use FPU) Thanks to Steffen Nitz for the example Code optimizer 1/2 fixes Thanks to Thilo Köhler for lots reports Please try optimizer out it seem 100% stable now Many cmake/macro fixes thanks to Arne Lunde for report !test {var} give wrong highlightcolor windowslib: setfont fix nielsrtlib: rtezstringrequest enforcerfix wizardlib: hierachiegadget working now see enhanced testprog how to use updatet exampleprog wizard.bb2 added commands PeekUB PeekUW to read very fast unsigned bytes/words string2func alibjsr $c702 call add for strcpy string working in libs alibjsr $c704 call add for detecting FPU/PPC/optimize/newsyntax compile in libs or AB2 on runtime brexx.obj type can now have a qualiefier entry nclipboard.obj Fixes for clips larger than 256 char and YAM clips rimisclib.obj Usefull Instruction found in unreleased rimisclib binstr ??? and nextargparsechar$ to parse to a choosable breakmark see guide for more .reddebug 2.53 shows now no enforcer hits (i hope) show Programmcounter in dissasembler window Changing programcounter update disasm window Clicking on # show now constants too 2.26 .News 2.26: Give Error when use FAST in Functions wrong.See also the tips in the reuqester If FAST give no error you can now sure that the function use no memalloc and is as fast as a C Function Statement/Functions parameter num increase from 6 to 10 Added 020 Addressing Modes 0(a0,d0*2[4,8]) Added 020 Instruction extb.l which do ext.w d0:ext.l d0 A german and a english version is available german translate from cj-stroker (Franz Schlick ) rename ped_ger to ped to use the german ped version and start amiblitz_ger Horizontal 128 char Limit increase to 250 chars Horizontal realtime scroll Dim in functions now work *pointer="abcdef" or *pointer=a$ give error now because it can not work stable in praxis (reportet from Berga) a$="123" Print peek$(*pointer) print out 123 because *pointer show to temporary stringbuffer Use *pointer.s="abcdef" or *pointer=&a$ instead Dim KEEP added.This allow redim without datalost Check with: dim KEEP a(dim1,....,changedim) if getd0=0 then ..... ;d0 has value 0 if it fail If it fail no old data is lost so you can continue your program only you can NOT do is access more dimdata so you must set maxdim to your old value back. Keep in mind that only the last dimension can change Syntax command added: Bit 0 (value 1) indicate that you must declare all vars now with deftype/shared Bit 1 (the praxis solution idea from Thilo Köhler)(value 2) see above but a myvar.l is also accepted If you type later in your prog mvar AB2 report a error because AB2 think you have written something wrong.Pointers you must declare *pointer.l Strings are accept with mystr$ or mystr.s Bit 2 (4) Typeconvert to smaller sizes give a error. To force it type + as first character in new line or after : Shift+Help on objects work now too Syntax Error replaced with more concrete Tips Functioncalls can now have variable parameter count on newsyntaxmode All missing parameters have then value 0 Editor can work in 8/16 colors now (set tooltype newcolormode) The blockmarkcolor ist then always the last color of the palette So be sure to modify your palette to your needs. A example ped.prefs is included for 16 Color sheme Allow now highlightcolor for functions/constants/macros/strings/types Set Tooltypes functioncolor macrocolor constantcolor to desired Palette value) Fixes Fixed chars >128 in data$ Fixed random enforcer ($114)hit when start a program from ped Fixed fpu bug :while x>x AND x> x work with optimize 2 sometimes cursor show not column 65536 after error improved newsyntax to old compatibility a mod b and soone work now on newsyntax mode Note: a and b /a or b give error use & or | instead In asm instructions lsl asl you must type the : after the label as in old mode asm fpu/ppc dont work in include files (reportet Bug from Thilo Koehler) check for wizard.library and disassembler.library to avoid crashes With missing disassembler.library you can work with AB2 but then the reddebugger show only questionmarks in disasmview .reddebug 2.52 put in blitz2:dbug Better work on Systems with no Amiga Chipset Pointers can now also show the content when click on the * before the name 2.25 .Fixes 2.25: compile/run should not create debuginfo (reportet Bug from Thilo Koehler) Parammeter Linejoining in macros now work Better Errorshow in macros/includes .News 2.25: If AB2 found no FPU it show requester (FPU detect code from stats&Funcs) Tooltypes remarkforg/remarkbackg Tooltypes for remark color add Set both tooltypes to 0 if you dont like it or slowdown on slow 68k Speed Add String from instructionhelp/newtypehelp in Source uselastpath command added:use the previous usepath setting end (program end in macros work) if then in macros work exithandlers can install to do automatic cleanup (new exitslib.obj) .Fixes 2.24 Better breakpointshow in Ped .News 2.24: Save as/Navigation/Help work when a program run/debug from AB2 Show in the errorequestertitle the sourceline of macros/includes (< > embedded) Macros are included on instructionhelper and onlinehelp.Type comments that should show in instructionshelp after the macro def ex: macro mymacro ;myhelp for this (see more in How to use in Libraryoverview) Embedded Help work only if compiled with AB2 >2.23 so you must recompile your all.res to see comment line With newsyntax Mode (optimize >=4) label out of context range work :@ after comment execute following code Ex. ;b=24 :@b=1 execute b=1 Better Mark support.Shift+Click Set blockend to cursor pos(change mark range) Reddebug: 2.51 News: asmstep: If set to on (windows menu) you can step and set breakpoints every asm instruction and so you can debug also librarys Limits: only jsr/bsr $xxxxxxxx can step into.(Use a breakpoint in other situation (-$2c(a6) etc) CTRL+m set the position of the disasmwindow to the current ped line Navigate in ped to the sourceline you wish Mouseclick in disasmwindow open memwindow2 and show content of address ALT+ Mouseclick in disasmwindow show disasm at addr ALT+ MidButton return to old address (History up) AMIGA+MidButton (History down) p in disasmwindow shows at current programcounter Show evalresults in hex and binary too Key d Single Step Skip over gosub or run in asmstep Mode complete dbxx Loop waittof replaced with delay(2) (Davids fix) memaccess after memrelase in gadgetslib fixed (fix hopefully all reddebug exit crashes) To debug a FPU program you must select FPU On in window Menu.(Status can save with prefs) Make sure you use the correct setting otherwise var trace/exec/eval give wrong numbers Click on var or intruction in sourcewindow show the value Updatet key help(See it for additional hotkeys) setting of a mem/disasm address show last adress (SHIFT+M=go back)(work without print command now) Link of disasemblerwin can save now (default is PC-2) SHIFT+CLick in regwin open memwin2 at reg addr Stop instructions can remove with add breakpoints 'remove stop' Add a vartrace opens the variable Window if it is not open Programcounter can now set by clicking on it Fixes 2.23 Newtypewin string get activate on start Breakpoint show with dontsort on at real place newtypelist show if pointer or not versionstring fixes enforcerhit when change screencolor fixed Problem with long varnames fixed(128 chars are allowed) fix with next/previous bookmark News: Doubleclick in Instructionhelp show in wintitle the Lib/Instruction Num Basicvars are accessed now in Assembler with globalvar@(a5) If FPU is can use in debug Mode all searchstrings are case insensitive now (usefull because reddebug is very inconsistent) Fixes 2.22 Ped backdropwindow show now Cursor line wrong redraw of labellist ped can start from workbench without AB2 fixed memtrash Bug if object buffer increase between 1 compile over object+lib Buffer Copy/Cut of chars >128 fixed wrong char on right side fixed fix optimizer constants bug (#interwidth*2);see bugs2.2.bb2 file News: Lists can work local unknown tokens are shown now as ????lib libnum/instructionnum F7 F8 previous/next entrie in labelview .Fixes 2.21 Color more than 4 work doubleredraw by click on bookmark fixed Backdropwindow Tooltype set by default.This help all who have no hotkey for window clicking to back fixed enforcerhit when no amiblitz.info exists Compiler /Editor work with more than 32768(65536) lines (test with 200000 Lines) .News 2.21: 2 search words allowed word1 word2=word1 AND word2 must contain in line to get displayed Tooltype LIBFILE add (defaults to deflibs) This allow other deflibsfiles.The used deflibsfile is show in the Labelwindow Windowtiltle. .Fixes 2.2b3 Short Help work 2 chars right now Fix Crash when pubscreen is off Scroller refresh after hotclick fixed .News 2.2b2 Hotkey for Top/Button CTRL+CRSUP/crsdwn in menuentry add Undo current line CTRL+U In labelview horizontal scroller add Tooltypes for amiblitz2.info: OLDSEARCH dont jump to beginning in the search requester BACKDROP use like old ted a texteditor backdropwindow DONTSORT do not sort labelview Added fileappendix .ab2:This save in ascii format including .bak and .extra file .Fixes 2.2b2 Ped fixes some refresh Problems with hotlist ped windows are open on the correct screen now Amiblitz Instruction Used fixed Instruction Maximum fixed additional spaces after deftype/macro fixed Features 2.21b1 end d0 return the register of d0 as returncode (d0 must EXACT written) .Fixes 2.21b1 AMiblitz dim >65536 work use largest dim on first place Window 1,0,0,400,200,!WinTags|20000,"",0,1 ;work now with new syntaxstyle new syntaxstyle is used now only with optimize >4 make sure you use the new fpulib in userlibs/beta fpulib.obj This help a.l LSL 2 but you must write brackets on macros and : after label MAKE SURE THAT YOU CHANGE IN THE AMIBLITZ2.2 AND TED2 SOURCE THE OPTIMIZE 1 TO OPTIMIZE 5 numpars work correct now Ped This is not beta and can replace the old A File ped.prefs is now used so no crashes through misunderstanding of prefs files occur Please set your prefs again and store Ped Crash fixed when no ted.menu exist ($1000000f)